Tiny Toes Reflexage uses elements of baby reflexology, movement and baby massage to encourage parents and carers to communicate, connect and calm their baby.
The unique combination of reflexology and massage can help to relieve and improve the symptoms of common conditions that babies can suffer with including;
reflux/silent reflux
coughs and colds
relaxation and wellbeing

The Benefits of Relexology
Classes will look at selected techniques and sequences, as well as a combination of discomfort-relieving holds and tension-reducing stretching exercises.
Reflexology and massage are a gentle way to enhance bonding between a baby and their parents’ or caregivers’. The techniques are a simple and effective way to help calm and soothe your baby in any environment. They are relaxing for both parents/carers and baby, with the increased comfort offering the potential to improve the child’s sleep. A reduction in tension can aid flexibility and development of babies’ posture as they grow.
Baby reflexology and massage classes will be taught weekly online (during the current period of social distancing) over a four-week period. This can be 1:1 tuition or in small groups to ensure a high level of support and guidance. After each session, handouts will be provided of the reflexology and massage routines. If you have a group of friends who would like to do a private course together this could be discussed.